6 Ways To Burn More Fat

For many people, myself included, losing weight is a difficult task. Since it is difficult, many of us look for ways to speed things up … to boost our metabolism … to help make the process easier and more efficient.

Because of that, many fad diets, crazy workouts and off the wall ways to lose weight are everywhere. However, losing weight doesn’t take some crazy, super restrictive, complex plan. At a very baseline level it takes a good nutrition plan, moving your body, drinking water, and doing so consistently.

However, if you want to know some more specific things you can do to help improve your metabolism and your results below are some of my top tips to help you burn more fat: 

1. Drink plenty of water

Water is extremely important in the metabolic process. Your body’s cells have metabolic processes that need water and nutrients to perform – water is what helps these nutrients arrive at the cells. After these processes have finished, there are toxins and waste left over. Water is what removes toxins and waste from the cells. If you are not hydrated, your body cannot do this efficiently. 

Water also helps you gauge how hungry you actually are. Drinking a glass of water before a meal will help you feel full sooner.  It has been shown that people who drink water immediately before eating a meal will eat less than those who don’t.

2. Try a High-intensity Workout

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) can be effective ways to get in a great workout in a short amount of time. Not having time is a big reason, aka excuse, on why many people don’t get in shape. 
Moving your body and working out consistently can help improve fat loss. Plus, as your body adjusts to higher stress levels, and the work load you are putting on it, your body can end up burning more calories during your body’s repair cycle within the following 24 hours.
Activities such as EMOMs, cross-training, sprints, burpees, and high-intensity aerobics classes are great ways to do this.

3. Build muscle

Weight lifting and resistance training help boost your metabolism and increase the number of calories you burn in a day, because it helps stimulate and create lean body mass or muscle tissue. Muscle tissue is very metabolically active, while fatty tissue is not. 1 pound of muscle will burn roughly 6 calories per day while at rest, which is about 3x as much as fatty tissue.

This can really add up! Weight lifting has other health benefits such as increased bone density and lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes.

4. Eat plenty of protein

To help rebuild and repair from high-intensity workouts and resistance training, you want to eat protein. It helps provide the nutrients needed for the body to have energy and rebuild itself. As a bonus, your body breaks down foods rich in protein such as chicken, beef, protein powders, fish, etc slower so you will feel full for longer.

It also has a high thermic effect, meaning it takes more energy to break down proteins, so you will burn more calories while digesting proteins compared to other foods. 

5. Walk

Not only does walking help you burn more calories, but it can also help with natural energy levels. When your energy is up, you will feel more like working out, it’s easier to say no to temptations, and you’re more likely to stick to your plan. Plus, it is a sustainable habit that we can build into our healthy lifestyle long-term! 

6. Sleep

Sleep is very important in regulating your metabolism, hormones, and appetite. When sleep-deprived, the metabolism will slow down to conserve the energy it does have. Your tired brain will release chemicals and your body will send signals to your brain asking for energy. This shows in larger portion sizes at meals and food-related compulsivity when tired. Many people will crave foods high in fat and sugar to make up for the lack of rest, because of their high caloric value.

You are also more likely to consume more calories, often with little to no nutritional content, when you were able to get little to no sleep the night before. Plus, people are more likely to skip workouts due to lack of sleep, as they feel “too tired” to head to the gym.

While getting an overly sufficient amount of sleep will not boost your metabolism, not getting enough sleep can slow it down.

In Conclusion, losing weight is difficult, challenging and can be flat out hard. But that does not mean it has to be complicated or crazy. Applying some, or all, of the steps above … can help you improve your fat loss and lose weight for YEARS!

And if you need any help at all … or have any questions …I am here to help! Please reach out with any questions at all. 


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