These days the age old debate isn’t what came first the chicken or the egg, it’s which is better for you? Eggs or egg whites?
If you know me then you know my go to standard breakfast is two hard boiled eggs (with some Shichimi Togarashi sprinkled on top – Japanese Seven Spice). Eggs are one of my favourite protein sources and it is no secret that they are loaded with a variety of beneficial nutrients.
What’s the difference you ask? Egg whites are high in protein but low in calories. In fact, they contain around 70% of all the protein found in eggs. The best part is that this protein is high-quality, complete protein. This means it contains all nine essential amino acids in the amounts your body needs to function at its best.
Whole eggs, on the other hand, contain considerable calories and micronutrients that come with the egg yolks (including a higher amount of protein). All of the fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) in eggs are found in the yolk. In addition, the yolks contain the healthy fats and cholesterol necessary for the production of hormones. Another point to keep in mind that dietary fats slow protein absorption, allowing it to stay with you for longer.
Here’s a comparison of what each contains in terms of macronutrients.
1 Egg White:
17 Calories, 0.1 grams of Fat, 0.2 grams of Carbohydrates, 3.6 grams Protein
1 Whole Egg:
68 Calories, 4.7 grams of Fat, 0.5 grams of Carbohydrates, 5.5 grams of Protein

Another common misconception is that eating whole eggs increases your cholesterol which then increases your risk for heart disease. However, there is plenty of evidence that eating dietary cholesterol has a very low impact on your cholesterol levels.
So, which way you decide to go with your egg consumption really depends on what you are looking for… When your goal is to get in protein quickly, choose egg whites, but generally it is ok and beneficial to eat whole eggs.
Tip: if I am cooking something I will generally include one or two whole eggs and then egg whites.
Do you eat your yolks or are you strictly an egg white eater? Comment below and let me know what your favorite egg recipes are.