Calorie Burner At-Home Full-Body Circuit Workout

An effective full-body circuit workout doesn’t need to include a bunch of different exercises. In fact, many of the most valuable training sessions are also the simplest. It makes total sense if you think about it: Instead of learning new moves or changing equipment, while performing this full-body workout you can focus on the important movement details like proper form and intensity.

This full-body circuit workout targets every muscle in your body with dynamic compound exercises as well as muscle-specific moves. This short, powerful workout is perfect for when you’re short on time and want to get the most out of your workout.   

By completing circuit workouts you are promoting a functional training environment to condition the whole body. You’re maximizing benefit in minimal time, and creating a cardiovascular experience within a strength training arena. In other words, you simultaneously pump up the volume on fat burning and muscle building.


See your doctor if you have any illnesses, injuries or other medical conditions.


  • 1 mile run
  • Then do the circuit below

1️. Jump squats x 20

To perform the jump squat press your feet down to explode off the floor and jump as high as you can. Allow your knees to bend 45 degrees when you land, and then immediately drop back down into a squat, and jump again. The key to this movement is to be light on you feet as you land

2. Reverse Sit ups x 20

To perform a reverse sit up lie horizontally on your back with legs locked together. In a controlled movement move your legs towards the sky until at a right angle with your lower body. Hold for 3-5 seconds at the top and bottom on each rep. Tip – If you want to progress the movement, raise your hips off the floor completely. Lower back down to your starting position.

3. Alternating jump lunges x 10 each leg

Start with your feet hip distance apart, extend your right foot forward about 2 feet and lower into a lunge. You should land in a lunge with your left foot forward. Push explosively off the ground, jumping and switching the position of your legs while in mid-air, landing into the lunge position with the opposite leg forward. Keep alternating sides as you repeat this exercise. Tip: Form and stability is key with this movement, if you need to scale it back you can always modify to a forward lunge.

4. Mt Climbers x 30 

Begin in a plank position, making sure to distribute your weight evenly between your hands and your toes. Your hands should be about shoulder-width apart, back flat, abs engaged, and head in alignment. Pull your right knee into your chest as far as you can. Switch legs, pulling one knee out and bringing the other knee in. Keep your hips down, run your knees in and out as far and as fast as you can.

5. Step ups x 10 each leg

To begin, stand in front of a step, bench or stair with back, legs and arms straight, feet hip-distance apart. Step onto the center of the bench and straighten your right leg at the top. Then, slowly bend your knee and step back down. Complete all 10 with one leg before commencing with the other.

And that’s one round! Repeat for as many rounds as you can.

Looking for something different. See some of my other awesome sweaty workouts here:


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